linjiang26 Mar 2013 SingaporeJack,
已经拿到WTR签证。有几个问题想跟您咨询一下 (问过CO,没有明确回复):
2)我是以IT项目经理申请的,大致什么样的Job Offer是相关的?拿到Job Offer后提交PR还需要什么材料?
2楼Jack Liu作者L9(26 Mar 2013, Intranet)1.据我所知,旅游签最长有一年多次往返,单次停留最大时间3个月的。存款证明越多越好(最好有历史存期),个人建议10万以上,除存款证明外,还要有房产证明,工作证明为佳,在磨房网论坛上有些自助旅游签的申请攻略,可以上去找找。她申请旅游签属于独立申请,应该和你的WTR无太大关系,我倾向于认为你有合法签证,对她的申请有帮助作用。
Employers who were migrants
Persevere. Try and follow up applications with a phone call. Ensure they are only applying to roles that are relevant to their backgrounds. Be selective in applications - Don’t apply to everything advertised
Be patient. People here in established positions don't view your experience the same as you do. Some/many may feel threatened by it. Others may see you as a "flight risk" thinking you will quickly come to see NZ as too small for your experience. That is most likely not the case but you have to deal with these perceptions.
Expect to see a drop in salary & quality of work.
Be prepared for relatively low wages!
Don't talk about your history and what you have learned elsewhere, just do what is asked of you. Because otherwise you will be a threat to the small minded Kiwi who has never worked and lived overseas and thinks that the "Kiwi way" is the only way - any other suggestions are unwarranted!
Be proactive in your search, make eye contact, learn to parallel park.
understand the culture, and live in the kiwi culture
Be nice to people. We have choices.
* Understand the hesitancy that some employers might have and position yourself accordingly. * Do not assume that the amazing experience you have gained will give you an automatic right to a big, high paying role in NZ.
Use your network or contacts if possible.
Get onto Linked in and use the people you already know in NZ for contacts.
NZ is Australia's Mexico - this is reflected in general by lower salaries. Don't expect the people who have not been away and had their mind widened, to move over so you can have the best jobs - even though you are by now probably somewhat more experienced (Kiwis still down like a smart bas**d..). Big cultural differences between North Island and South Island. Outside Wellington and Auckland quality of intellectual capital thins out and the style of communication becomes more basic, which requires a change in approach. Come for a holiday first, to be sure that you really want to trade down to financially. Unless you are from a third world country - the majority of people who work here for NZ business's will not make as much money as they did/could elsewhere, and it is expensive to live here. If hard cash your ultimate goal - invest your working life elsewhere, come here when you’re done.
Take advice from local recruiters, add more detail about overseas experience e.g. Info about companies worked for, their websites etc. Understand the local market and prepare to enter at a lower position to prove yourself. I was promoted pretty rapidly.
Adjust salary expectation downward and NZ might not be as comparatively affordable as one might assume
Preferably suitable for family life style. NZ is top for work life balance. Reset their salary expectations by -15% to 20%. Tap into businesses that are on growth path with international development plans.
The biggest culture shock in arriving in NZ is scale - companies, budgets and markets are much smaller. You 'know' this will be the case before you arrive, but experiencing it is something else. You will need to adapt and find creative ways to make smaller budgets and less resource go much further. What a team may do in a larger market, one individual will do in NZ.
Are you coming back to perhaps start a family, be able to spend time at the beach after work or partly because it’s got harder to get / keep a job overseas? Please have a real good think what you can offer because people with 'real' experience from overseas are in reasonable supply to be honest. Consider what 'real' value to my business your offering. I nice for you to re-engage with the NZ lifestyle, but that’s why I am here.
Overall it is about accepting and adapting to the new culture. Start with observing, learning and not over-expecting things will be as you are familiar with.
Network, use family and friend connections. Use a recruiter who specialises in migrants
First find a job
Get Visa ahead of arrival - needs to be greater support for business people - Don't use independent advisers. If possible, visit before relocating - try to meet relevant employers (not just agents) and employees of relevant businesses, helping you to relate to job opportunities when they arise. Keep in touch every 30 days. Soften any English accent. Don't over commit $s to NZ - sadly the returns aren't guaranteed. Be passionate but cautious. Be flexible: think of ways to de-risk employers decision, with reviews after six months. Cost of living in Auckland is more than you may imagine. And finally....head to Palmerston North, and leave any fishing rods at home!@TA
3楼pp(03 Apr 2013, United States)多谢Jack快速的回复,我目前的案子的状态是Application Received ,并且已经给我指定了移民官审查所有资料沟通过了,还能被退回POOL吗?移民官了解完情况后说会基于目前的情况(110分)作出初步判定,或者我也可以申请撤案。(一般而言,如果不申请撤案的话,他们会做出什么判定呢?会是直接拒绝吗?)我需要申请撤案吗,JACK有什么建议?谢谢!@TA
5楼pp(03 Apr 2013, United States)不好意思,K,是,我已经交了申请费,并且移民官已经作了材料调查了,所以申请费不能退回了,移民官不是修改我EOI的分数,而是发现我提供的材料中有些情况不能拿分,目前看来我比较好的做法大概还是自己申请撤案,这样不会对日后的申请有影响。待我准备充分了,重头再来吧!@TA
YaoMin26 Mar 2013 China谢谢Jack,我想准备DIY申请,但是我老婆的大学学校从最新的NZQA list中删除了,要做学历认证,请问一般学历认证是否需要提前开始申请认证?另外,关于工作证明,是否只需要当前工作单位的还是全部的?如果是全部的证明,这个比较纠结,有些公司都找不到了。
2楼Jack Liu作者L9(28 Mar 2013, Intranet)学历认证需要90天左右,所以一般都是提前做的。你说的提供工作经验证明,是指主申请人申请PR时提供的工作经验证明;还是副申请人在NZQA时,NZQA要求提供的工作证明?如果是后者,可以不用提供任何工作经验证明。但前者只要是你参与EOI计分了的工作经验都需要出具完整的相关证明。@TA
2 有咖啡师这个职业吗 回复
3.拥有一个学士(level 7)或更高的学历且已取得IPENZ(新西兰专业工程师协会)出具的证明信证明此学位符合'特许专业工程师'注册资格要求,或;
我不知道我这样符不符合要求,或者应该如何来证明自己。 回复
多谢! 回复
已经拿到WTR签证。有几个问题想跟您咨询一下 (问过CO,没有明确回复):
2)我是以IT项目经理申请的,大致什么样的Job Offer是相关的?拿到Job Offer后提交PR还需要什么材料?
多谢! 回复
你们好!想请问下一人拿到PR全家拿PR是什么意思?能否具体解释下?夫妻双方的父母都可以申请到PR吗?自己【丈夫】是主申请人,那老婆的兄弟姐妹有资格申请PR吗? 回复
ps: 我没有国外的留学和工作背景,想移民但是怕英语水平不够(6.5和面试),所以想先提高一下。 回复
十年一直在国内大型设计院工作,正在备战雅思(是不是要6.5?)想去NZ读研后拿NZ的注册证书,工作后申请PR。另外如果雅思分不够的话,想选择创移,但自身无创业经验,感觉成功几率不大,望得到您的宝贵意见,谢谢谢谢! 回复